Poetry for those lost hearts out there, broken down love vehicles stranded in a barren sea of heartbreak. I am here for you. I feel your pain. This poem was written in the heat of battle, when the fires were furiously raging in my brick and mortar oven of a heart. If this is you, if your need a way to let her know your pain, read her this poem. Look her in the eyes as you finish. Let one tear roll down your cheek. She will understand, now.
"oh god do i hate you
oh how i hate your investigations
your manipulations
oh evil girl with your inconsistencies
and oh evil mother with your eye peering tendencies
oh how you love your conspiracy and your fates
oh how you love to say never again its too late
oh fuck yourself these hours grow long
that i stare in your misread eyes and lies fall from your tongue
these grooves you make and these lines you create
just to get back or be better just for yourself
your enjoyment is sick your betterment of your mask is thick
everyday it becomes more and more covering up what i thought i loved before
now is left with regrets and false truths
how can i know which direction you go if youve never let me know before
these fucking days have been spent together
but i guess you spent them with wolf pack lies and i was naive to trust those eyes
oh fuck me fuck yourself these goons pretent to care
for better of yesterday oh how she hurts
the pain fills her lies with fire and her stubborn image of self has her bleeding in a corner
why cant she be happy without the lies
why cant she trust and be filled with joy without those investigative eyes
she knows something thats what she says
yea i know lets get to bed
and those evil eyes filled with someone else
she clowns this life with smiles and frowns and hopes to be seen
i see you or thought i did
i once loved you so because your tender lips did mend
now they tear and this heart is torn
because your silly games and best in class wraps have left me unknowing of my other half
who do i trust with my love
a beautiful woman
or a rat?"
P.S. If you encounter success with this method let me know.